Tuesday, October 25, 2011

old McDonald had a farm....

They are done!

The first step was to cut all the pieces out, (that took an entire night!  Don't underestimate how long it will take to cut out 16 tiny black eyes....I think I've used as much felt as I can stand for at least a year....dang I have one more small felt project for Christmas)

 then to glue the pieces to the body (Hint...just hot glue in the middle of the pieces, trying to sew through hot glue is impossible!)

and then to embroider around those parts ( I had a lot of embroidery thread in the appropriate colors so I only had to buy a few new colors, but they are only 30 cents each)

 and then sew it all together! ( my sewing machine was not happy with me about this part.  Sewing felt can make for a lot of fuzz in your sewing machine so keep a little brush handy to clean out the needle and little gripper teeth often or your machine will jam...A LOT)

  Here is the original pattern for the puppets.  They take about a week of nightly work but I think they are so cute  and the girls will love them so they are worth the effort.

 aren't they cute?  My favorites are the little lamb

  and the kitty.