Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Bad puppy Cure

Yeah sure she looks sweet, when she is sleeping.  But those of you who have had a puppy know they are little peeing machines!

 Zelda peed everywhere when she was brand new, and always right in front of the door because I don't have super speed skills when it comes to putting a leash on.

 I think we have finally come out on the other side of house training and I think I'm going to say we were successful.  But as I look around I see all these little stains she left behind.

I've tried regular carpet cleaners and they just don't seem to work very well on puppy stains. So I have been looking for any solutions to my stained carpet ( If we weren't renters I would just rip it up, I hate our carpet even without the stains)

Tonigh I tried this "make at home" cleaning solution, which is 1:1 water and ammonia. It worked great!

1. Find a "Bad Puppy" stain

 2. Heavily soak the stain in the ammonia solution ( #1 rule of ammonia is KEEP IT AWAY FROM BLEACH!!!! The combination creates fatal fumes)

3. Place a WHITE towel over the stain (only use a white towel so you don't transfer the towel color to the carpet and make the stain worse) and iron up your stain with your iron on it's highest setting.

 4. Go...EEWWWWW gross at the sight of the funky towel

5.  Be amazed! now to just repeat in small sections.  Ammonia is pretty smelly so make sure you do this only in a ventalated room and don't do it for more than a few minutes at a time.  I did three stains tonight and tomorrow I'll pick another spot to do. (that dark spot in the bottom corner is a shadow of my elbow not another stain....don't worry though there are plenty more for me to practice this technique on).

sorry the pictures aren't great, I forget to turn off my camera everytime I use it so the battery is never charged (plus no one wants high def pictures of a puppy stains...bleh)

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